
A fine addition to your collection

A little background

We took the highest quality materials to build the perfect products

We adjust our product according to the customer's wishes and requirements.


Our sabers support spins.

with the spins comes a High quality sound system that plays to you with 100% accuracy in synchronization with the movement of the spin. Check out the led & xenopixel categories and be impressed by the capabilities.



because it is better for the precious sabers to stay nice and new, we created a special category for wars between friends.

(totally possible enemies)
These swords are durable, strong, very light, and very cheap for the value you get.


Free returns

Because we trust our products, we don't think it would be a problem to give you free returns.
All of our swords are made in a factory located in the USA, and we supply swords to many companies.


*Not dropshipping store *